Fanning The Flames: A 30 day course for women

 Fanning the Flames is a 30 day course for women who want to cultivate & keep the flames of sexual & sensual desire alive before, during & after menopause.

* Please note that registration is now closed *

The programme will guide participants in the crafting of their own personal practice designed to cultivate & maintain an ongoing sexual & sensual connection with themselves, & with others if they wish, as well as intending to limit some of the natural physical consequences of the menopause years that can negatively impact sexual function & satisfaction.
An online peer support community will be available to participants both during & after the course & 4 weekly live Q & A Zoom calls with Beth also form part of the programme. All programme materials, excluding the online peer support group, will be available to all who register on a lifetime basis


Click the 'Buy Now' button below if you're ready to commit or continue reading for more information.

Registration closes January 10th & the cost of the 30 day programme is €99.

If you are a resident of an African or any Muslim majority country & would like to participate but the cost is prohibitive please email the team, we can offer you a pay-what-you-can rate. There are no refunds for the programme unless it does not proceed & all purchases are non transferrable. If you do not want to use PayPal please email the team on & we can forward bank account details.

Due to natural hormonal changes at this time of life, between 40-50% of women will experience a loss of libido, desire or sex drive during their menopause years with approximately 70% of women experiencing some form of sexual dysfunction during those years. Despite only one quarter of women seeking treatment or support, for some women this is not something they experience as a challenge or a difficulty, however, approximately 37% of women describe themselves as ''suffering'' from these experiences with, obviously, many more feeling varying levels of discomfort & distress that they wouldn't describe as ''suffering''.

Naturally, there are often also consequences for women's  intimate relationships, this common consequence of the menopause years can cause deep distress with 73% of women in a 2022 UK study citing menopause as a significant factor in their relationship breakdown or divorce.

When I refer to ''the menopause years'' what I'm speaking about is the years from when a woman may first begin to experience perimenopause symptoms to the time when her hormones stabilise again after menopause, which is usually 3-4 years afterwards - this is an average age range of 35 to 55 with perimenopause usually lasting between 7 - 10 of those years for most women. The average age of menopause is 51 in most 'western' countries & some years younger or older than that for women who themselves, or their immediate ancestors, are from other parts of the world.

The truth of the matter is that the menopause years are a time of significant physical & psychological change for the vast majority of women - this change does not need to be a diminishment, it can be a deepening, a rich period of growth & expansion if you choose to see it as an opportunity. Equally, talking openly, honestly & in a way that is evidence-based about sex is not something that commonly happens in most cultures. For something that 51% of the world's population will experience, this is too important an issue to ignore & too important an aspect of most women's lives & relationships to go unsupported!


This 30 day course aims to give participants:

- accurate evidence-based information about the potential impact of menopause on libido, sexual function & desire

- specific practical tools & practices designed to assist in preventing some of the sex-related symptoms of menopause as well as managing them if they do arise

- tools designed to support women who are partnered to raise & navigate the topics with their partner/s

- provide a private peer support community space for women to share their thoughts, feelings & experiences with each other

- offer participants weekly access to Beth for Q & A as well as general discussion for the duration of the programme. 

It's important to note that this programme is not therapy nor a substitute for therapy, it is evidence-based with the teaching of tools & techniques combined with a private online peer support space for participants. 


Click the 'Buy Now' button below if you're ready to commit, or continue reading for more information.

The course is solely online, it will run live, in other words you can take part daily as each piece of the course is emailed to you together with the other course participants, sharing your thoughts, feelings, insights & experiences in the private online community group if you so choose. Equally, you can choose to simply allow the emails gather in your in-box to complete the programme at another time that suits you better while not joining other participants live. However, I would strongly suggest attending live if at all possible as the shared experience of the group & the community of other participants will be a support & encouragement! Also, there will be 4 weekly Q & A sessions with Beth on Zoom - these will be recorded & the recordings available to all participants who cannot or do not wish to attend live.

Participants will receive 'homework' emails, these will be exercises you complete alone (or with a friend!) taking approximately 20-30 minutes in total per day - yes, a commitment is required on your part! Daily emails to support participants to practice every day will contain a mix of self reflection exercises, mindfulness & embodiment practices as well as audio & video inputs, additional reading & other material will also be included for those who want to dive more deeply!

Participants will receive a complete workbook after the programme finishes containing all the worksheets, exercises, links to videos & Zoom recordings, self reflection exercises, mindfulness & embodiment practices etc that have been part of the programme - all in one place for future reference & in case you would like to repeat the programme, which I would highly recommend, on a yearly basis well past menopause itself.

In addition to the emailed materials there will be a private interactive peer support Facebook community for participants to share experiences & resources - this is a very valuable part of the programme therefore participants are encouraged to participate in the programme live if at all possible to really get & give the most from & to the experience as is possible. Most women say that they wish they'd had these conversations, they wish other women had told them what could happen or what to expect as well as how they handled certain situations - this is EXACTLY the purpose of the peer support group. You can both receive & be a support.

If you can't participate live, or indeed don't want to, you can simply receive the emails & the workbook together with
videos, audios etc and take part in the programme at your own time & at your own pace.


The course is aimed at you if you're a woman who's approaching menopause (anytime from 35 years old onwards) or with menopause in her recent past (up to, approximately, age 55) who would like to prevent or is currently:
- unhappy about experiencing diminished desire
- feeling frustrated by lowered libido
- suffering from a disappearing sex drive
- experiencing menopause related sexual dysfunction or dissatisfaction.

I can't emphasise enough the importance of prevention here - some of the tools we'll be exploring may not be relevant to you now but they will, absolutely will, help in preventing some future challenges.

If you're not a woman with menopause in her future or past you're welcome to purchase the course for your own information but you cannot participate in the online peer support group or Zoom Q & A calls.

WHAT: The programme is strongly rooted in evidence-based science, we will learn about:
- how perimenopause & menopause can impact women's sexual health, functioning & satisfaction
- how to prevent loss of libido, desire & sex drive as well as how to navigate this potential change if it's already arrived through daily practices, exercises & reflections
- how to communicate more effectively with sexual partners at this time of life.

WHEN: The private Facebook community group opens January 11th 2024, the same day the first email arrives detailing the first week's exercises with daily emails arriving with ongoing exercises, self reflections, videos & reading suggestions for the remainder of the programme. The programme finishes Friday February 9th & the 4 Q & A Zoom calls take place on the 4 Sundays during that period of time at 9pm CET for approximately 1 hour each.

The programme will demand a time commitment from you. I believe that you deserve sexual satisfaction & sensory delight & that the intimate relationships you choose to have should feel mutually fulfilling & delicious for as long as they can & for as long as you want them to - once we get into & pass through midlife this often requires effort & commitment to cultivate the life we want in this regard, there's no getting around that and this is exactly what the programme aims to support you to do!

 Why 30 days? There are several reasons for this but primarily because we are trying to embed a new habit, it's a sort of 'rewiring' of the brain, & successful behaviour change demands regular repetition as well as psychological determination & will. I believe your lifelong sexual health, satisfaction & pleasure is worth that investment!

Approximately 20-30 minutes per day will be required to complete the programme in the way in which it's designed. If this is something you can't commit to at this time you can always return to the emails at a time that does suit & take the programme then - all the materials will still be available to you with the one exception of the Facebook community but there will be another one, focusing on the same issues also held by Beth, that you can join instead.

 Registration closes January 10th & the fee for the programme is €99.

However, if you are resident in any African or Muslim majority country & would like to participate but the cost is prohibitive contact us at with photographic proof of residence (a utility bill, ID card with address etc) for a discount. Beth has lived in a Muslim majority African country as well as worked in & with people from many Muslim majority countries, she appreciates that income in these parts of the world is considerably less than 'the west', equally accessing evidence based sex education for women is a challenge, & she wishes, where possible, to make her work accessible to the women who wish to access it.

All purchases of the programme are non-refundable unless the programme does not go ahead. All purchases are also non transferrable. If you do not want to use PayPal please contact the team on & we will provide bank account details.

If you've any questions about the programme please don't hesitate to contact the team on - we're looking forward to welcoming you!

Beth Wallace is an Irish psychosexual therapist with a formal university education in psychology & psychotherapy. She's been working in the field of sexual health for 35 years. Click here to read more about Beth, including her academic education, professional training & a little about some of the personal motivations for her work.

Last updated: 10/01/24